秋田大学大学院医学系研究科医学専攻生体防御学講座 教員(助教)公募
Assistant Professor (Department of Immunology, Graduate School of Medicine、Akita University)
件名 Title |
秋田大学大学院医学系研究科医学専攻生体防御学講座 教員(助教)公募 Assistant Professor (Department of Immunology, Graduate School of Medicine、Akita University) |
求人内容 Content of job information |
生体防御学講座では生理活性脂質の様々な生体機能を分野にとらわれず多方面のアプローチによって解明することを研究目標としています。生化学・免疫学を含む医歯薬学・生物学に精通し、教育研究に熱意を持ち、また、同講座が推し進める研究を一緒にしていただける人材を公募いたします。若手研究者も歓迎いたします。 We are pleased to announce that we invite applications for a position of Assistant Professor in our department. Our department aims to elucidate various biological functions of bioactive lipids through multidisciplinary approaches. We will continue to recruit researchers who are well-versed in medical, dental, pharmaceutical, and biological sciences including biochemistry and immunology, who are enthusiastic about education and research, and who are willing to work together with us in the research. Young researchers are also welcome. [専門分野] [Research fields] [業務内容] [Work contents] [勤務地住所等] [Address of work location] [募集する職名・人員] [Available position] [採用予定日] [Starting date, employment date] |
勤務形態 Employment status |
・常勤(任期5年)再任あり(1回) Full-time (Nontenured: 5-year term) , One reappointment is possible. |
応募資格 Qualifications |
次の(1)~(5)に該当する方。 (1) Applicants should hold a doctoral (Ph.D.) degree or a research achievement comparable to that of a doctoral degree. |
待遇 Compensation |
給与、勤務時間・休暇、保険等:国立大学法人秋田大学職員就業規則による。 Salary, working hours/vacations, insurance, etc.: In accordance with the Rules of Employment of Akita University Employees. [給与] [Salary] [勤務時間] [Working hours] [休日] [Holidays] [社会保険等] [Social Insurance, etc.] |
応募・選考・結果通知・連絡先 Application /selection /notification of result /contact details |
[提出書類] [Application documents] [提出期限] [Due Date] [提出書類送付先] [Submission] [選考方法] [Selection details] [問い合わせ先] [Contact information] |
備考 Additional information |
本学では、男女共同参画を推進しており、女性教員の積極的な登用を行うとともに、女性教員が出産・育児等と研究活動を両立できるよう研究支援員を配置する「研究支援員制度」を実施しています。 According to the action plan of Akita University (http://www.akita-u.ac.jp/honbu/danjyo/index.html, however, it is Japanese-only), applications of female researchers are encouraged. ======================================================= |
Web応募 Online Submission |
不可 Not Available. |