Field Study on Mercury (海外における水銀精錬作業者の調査,2005〜06年)

Iwata T, Sakamoto M, Feng X, Yoshida M, Liu X-J, Dakeishi M, Li P, Qiu G, Jiang H, Nakamura M, Murata K: Effects of mercury vapor exposure on neuromotor function in Chinese miners and smelters. Int Arch Occup Environ Health 80: 381-387, 2007

Sakamoto M, Feng X, Li P, Qiu G, Jiang H, Yoshida M, Iwata T, Liu X-J, Murata K: High exposure of Chinese mercury mine workers to elemental mercury vapor and increased methylmercury levels in their hair. Environ Health Prev Med 12: 66-77, 2007

Li P, Feng X, Qiu G, Li Z, Fu X, Sakamoto M, Liu X, Wang D: Mercury exposures and symptoms in smelting workers of artisanal mercury mines in Wuchuan, Guizhou, China. Environ Res 107: 108-114, 2008.

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