Seychelles Child Development Study

Xu Y, Wahlberg K, Love TM, Watson GE, Yeates AJ, Mulhem MS, McSorley EM, Strain JJ, Davidson PW, Shamlaye CF, Rand MD, Myers GJ, van Wijngaarden E, Broberg K. Associations of blood mercury and fatty acid concentrations with blood mitochondrial DNA copy number in the Seychelles child development nutrition study. Environ Int 2019; 124: 278-283.

Inwin JL, Yeates AJ, Mulhem MS, McSoriey EM, Strain JJ, Watson GE, Grzesik K, Thurston SW, Love TM, Smith TH, Mruzek DW, Shamlaye CF, Monthy C, Myers GJ, Davidson PW, van Wijngaarden E. Maternal gestational immune response and autism spectrum disorder phenotypes at 7 years of age in the Seychelles child development study. Mol Neurobiol 2018;

Huang LS, Cory-Slechta DA, Cox C, Thurston SW, Shamlaye CF, Watson GE, van Wijngaarden E, Zareba G, Strain JJ, Myers GJ, Davidson PW. Analysis of nonlinear associations between prenatal methylmercury exposure from fish consumption and neurodevelopmental outcomes in the Seychelles main cohort at 17 years. Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess 2018; 32: 893-904.

McSorley EM, Yeates AJ, Mulhem MS, van Wijngaarden E, Grzesik K, Thurston SW, Spence T, Crowe W, Davidson PW, Zareba G, Myers GJ, Watson GE, Shamlaye CF, Strain JJ. Associations of maternal immune response with MeHg exposure at 28 weeks' qestation in the Seychelles child development study. Am J Reprod Immunol 2018; 80: e13046.

Conway MC, Mulhem MS, McSorley EM, van Wijngaarden E, Strain JJ, Myers GJ, Davidson PW, Shamlaye CF, Yeates AJ. Dietary determinants of polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) status in a high fish-eating cohort during pregnancy. Nutrients 2018;

Wahlberg K, Love TM, Pineda D, Engstrom K, Watson GE, Thurston SW, Yeates AJ, Mulhem MS, McSorley EM, Strain JJ, Smith TH, Davidson PW, Shamlaye CF, Myears GJ, Rand MD, van Wijngaarden E, Broberg K. Maternal polymorphisms in glutathione-related genes are associated with matrnal mercury concentrations and early child neurodevelopment in a population with a fish-rich diet. Environ Int 2018; 115: 142-149.

Laird E, Thurson SW, van Wijngaarden E, Shamlaye CF, Myers GJ, Davidson PW, Watson GE, McSorley EM, Mulhem MS, Yeates AJ, Ward M, McNulty H, Strain JJ. Maternal vitamin D status and the relationship with neonatal anthropometric and childhood neurodevelopmental outcomes: results from the Seychelles child development nutrition study. Nutrients 2017; 9: 1235.

Yeates AJ, Thurston SW, Li H, Mulhem MS, McSorley EM, Watson GE, Shamlaye CF, Strain JJ, Myers GJ, Davidson PW, van Wijngaarden E, Broberg K. PUFA status and methylmercury exposure are not associated with leukocyte telomere length in mothers or their children in the Seychelles child development study. J Nutr 2017; 147: 2018-2024.

Llop S, Tran V, Ballester F, Barbone F, Sofianou-Katsoulis A, Sunyer J, Engstrom K, Alhamdow A, Love TM, Watson GE, Bustamante M, Murcia M, Iniguez C, Shamlaye CF, Rosolen V, Mariuz M, Horvat M, Trantnik JS, Mazej D, van Wijngaarden E, Davidson PW, Myers GJ, Rnad MD, Broberg K. CYP3A genes and the association between prenatal methylmercury exposure and neurodevelopment. Environ Int 2017; 105: 34-42.

van Wijngaarden E, Thurston SW, Myers GJ, Harrington D, Cory-Slechta DA, Strain JJ, Watson GE, Zareba G, Love T, Henderson J, Shamlaye CF, Davidtson PW. Methy mercury exposure and neurodevelopmental outcomes in the Seychelles child development study main cohort at age 22 and 24 years. Neurotoxicol Teratol 2017; 59: 35-42.

Engstrom K, Love TM, Watson GE, Zareba G, Yeates A, Wahlberg K, Alhamdow A, Thurston SW, Mulhem M, McSorley EM, Strain JJ, Davidson PW, Shamlaye CF, Myers GJ, Rand MD, van Wijngaarden E, Broberg K. Polymorphisms in ATP-binding cassette transporters associated with maternal methylmercury disposition and infant neurodevelopment in mother-infant pairs in the Seychelles child development study. Environ Int 2016; 94: 224-229.

Yeates AJ, Love TM, Engstrom K, Mulhem MS, McSorley EM, Grzesik K, Alhamdow A, Wahlberg K, Thurston SW, Davidson PW, van Wijngaarden E, Watson GE, Shamlaye CF, Myers GJ, Strain JJ, Broberg K. Genetic variation in FADS genes is associated with maternal long-chain PUFA status but not with cognitive development of infants in a high fish-eating observational study. Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids 2015; 102-103: 13-20.

Strain JJ, Yeates AJ, van Wijngaarden E, Thurston SW, Mulhem MS, McSorley EM, Watson GE, Love TM, Smith TH, Yost K, Hamington D, Shamlaye CF, Henderson J, Myers GJ, Davidson PW. Prenatal exposure to methyl mercury from fish consumption and polyunsaturated fatty acids: assoications with child development at 20 mo of age in an observational study in the Republic of Seychelles. Am J Clin Nutr 2015; 101: 530-537.

Periard D, Begiraj B, Hayoz D, Viswanathan B, Evans K, Thurston SW, Davidson PW, Myers GJ, Bovet P. Associations of baroreflex sensitivity, heart rate variability, and initial orthostatic hypotension with prenatal and recent postnatal methylmercury exposure in the Seychelles Child Development Study at age 19 years. Int J Envrion Res Public Health 2015; 12: 3395-3405.

Myers GJ, Davidson PW, Watson GE, van Wijngaarden E, Thurston SW, Strain JJ, Shamlaye CF, Bover P. Methylmercury exposure and developmental neurotoxicity. Bull World Health Organ 2015; 93: 132-133.

Orlando MS, Dziomy AC, Hamington D, Love T, Shamlaye CF, Watson GE, van Wijingaarden E, Davidson PW, Myers GJ. Associations between prenatal and recent postnatal methylmercury exposure and auditory function at age 19 years in the Seychelles Child Development Study. Neurotoxicol Teratol 2014; 46: 68-76.

van Wijngaarden E, Harrington D, Kobrosly R, Thurston SW, O'Hara T, McSorley EM, Myers GJ, Watson GE, Shamlaye CF, Strain JJ, Davidson PW. Prenatal exposure to methylmercury and LCPUFA in relation to birth weight. Ann Epidemiol 2014; 24: 273-278.

Lyngdoh T, Viswanathan B, van Wijngaarden E, Myers GJ, Bovet P. Cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between body mass index and cardiometabolic risk factors in adolescents in a country of the African region. Int J Endocrinol 2013; 2013: 801-832.

van Wijngaarden E, Davidson PW, Smith TH, Evans K, Yost K, Love T, Thurston SW, Watson GE, Zareba G, Bums CM, Shamlaye CF, Myers GJ. Autism spectrum disorder phenotypes and prenatal exposure to methylmercury. Epidemiology 2013; 24: 651-659.

Watson GE, van Wijngaarden E, Love TM, McSorley EM, Bonham MP, Mulhem MS, Yeates AJ, Davidson PW, Shamlaye CF, Strain JJ, Thurston SW, Hamington D, Zareba G, Wallace JM, Myers GJ. Neurodevelopmental outcomes at 5 years in children exposed prenatally to maternal dental amalgam: The Seychelles Child Development Nutrition Study. Neurotoxicol Teratol 2013; 39: 57-62.

van Wijngaarden E, Thurston SW, Myers GJ, Strain JJ, Weiss B, Zarcone T, Watson GE, Zareba G, McSorley EM, Mulhem MS, Yeates AJ, Henderson J, Gedeon J, Shamlaye CF, Davidson PW. Prenatal methylmercury exposure in relation to neurodevelopment and behavior at 19 years of age in the Seychelles Child Development Study. Neurotoxicol Teratol 2013; 39: 19-25.

Strain JJ, McSorley EM, van Wijngaarden E, Kobrosly RW, Bonham MP, Mulhem MS, McAfee AJ, Davidson PW, Shamlaye CF, Henderson J, Watson GE, Thurston SW, Wallace JM, Ueland PM, Myers GJ. Choline status and neurodevelopmental outcomes at 5 years of age in the Seychelles Child Development Nutrition Study. Br J Nutr 2013; 110: 330-336.

Watson GE, Evans K, Thurston SW, van Wijngaarden E, Wallace JM, McSorley EM, Bonham MP, Mulhem MS, McAfee AJ, Davidson PW, Shamlaye CF, Strain JJ, Love T, Zareba G, Myers GJ. Prenatal exposure to dental amalgam in the Seychelles Child Development Nutrition Study: associations with neurodevelopmental outcomes at 9 and 30 months. Neurotoxicology 2012; 33: 1511-1517.

Strain JJ, Davidson PW, Thurston SW, Harrington D, Mulhen MS, McAfee AJ, van Wijngaarden E, Shamlaye CF, Henderson J, Watson GE, Zareba G, Cory-Slechta DA, Lynch M, Wallace JM, McSorley EM, Bonham MP, Stokes-Riner A, Sloane-Reeves J, Janciuras J, Wong R, Clarkson TW, Myers GJ. Maternal PUFA status but not prenatal mehylmercury exposure is associated with children's language functions at age five years in the Seychelles. J Nutr 2012; 142: 1943-1949.

McAfee AJ, Mulhem MS,McSorley EM, Wallace JM, Bonham MP, Faure J, Romain S, Esther C, Shamlaye CF, Watson GE, Myers GJ, Clarkson TW, Davidson PW, Strain J. Intakes and adequacy of potentially important nutrients for cognitive development among 5-year-old children in the Seychelles Child Development and Nutrition Study. Public Health Nutr 2012; 10: 1-8.

Watson GE, Lynch M, Myers GJ, Shamlaye CF, Thurston SW, Zareba G, Clarkson TW, Davidson PW. Prenatal exposure to dental amalgam: evidence from the Seychelles Child Development Study main cohort. J Am Dent Assoc 2011; 142: 1283-94.

Davidson PW, Cory-Slechta DA, Thurston SW, Huang LS, Shamlaye CF, Gunzler D, Watson G, van Wijngaarden E, Zareba G, Klein JD, Clarkson TW, Strain JJ, Myers GJ. Fish consumption and prenatal methylmercury exposure: cognitive and behavioral outcomes in the main cohort at 17 years from the Seychelles child development study. Neurotoxicology 2011; 32: 711-7.

Lynch ML, Huang LS, Cox C, Strain JJ, Myers GJ, Bonham MP, Shamlaye CF, Stokes-Riner A, Wallace JM, Duffy EM, Clarkson TW, Davidson PW. Varying coefficient function models to explore interactions between maternal nutritional status and prenatal methylmercury toxicity in the Secyhelles Child Development Nutrition Study. Environ Res 2011; 111: 75-80.

Stokes-Riner A, Thurston SW, Myers GJ, Duffy EM, Wallace J, Bonham M, Robson P, Shamlaye CF, Strain JJ, Watson G, Davidson PW. A longitudinal analysis of prenatal exposure to methylmercury and fatty acids in the Seychelles. Neurotoxicol Teratol 2011; 33: 325-8.

Kobrosly RW, van Wijngaarden E, Galea S, Cory-Slechta DA, Love T, Hong C, Shamlaye CF, Davidson PW. Socioeconomic position and cognitive function in the Seychelles: a life course analysis. Neuroepidemiology 2011; 36: 162-8.

Davidson PW, Leste A, Benstrong E, Burns CM, Valentin J, Sloane-Reeves J, Huang LS, Miller WA, Gunzler D, van Vijngaarden E, Watson GE, Zareba G, Shamlaye CF, Myers GJ. Fish consumption, mercury exposure, and their associations with scholastic achievement in the Seychelles Child Development Study. Neurotoxicology 2010; 31: 439-47.

Duffy EM, Bonham MP, Wallace JM, Chang CK, Robson PJ, Myers GJ, Davidson PW, Clarkson TW, Shamlaye CF, Strain JJ. Iron status in pregnant women in the Republic of Seychelles. Public Health Nutr 2010; 13: 331-7.

Thurston SW, Ruppert D, Davidson PW. Bayesian models for multiple outcomes nested in domains. Biometrics 2009; 65: 1078-86.

van Wijngaarden E, Myers GJ, Thurston SW, Shamlaye CF, Davidson PW. Interpreting epidemiological evidence in the presence of multiple endpoints: an alternative analytic approach using the 9-year follow-up of the Seychelles child development study. Int Arch Occup Environ Health 2009; 82: 1031-41.

Myers GJ, Thurston SW, Pearson AT, Davidson PW, Cox C, Shamlaye CF, Cernichiari E, Clarkson TW. Postnatal exposure to methylmercury from fish consumption: a review and new data from the Seychelles Child Development Study. Neurotoxicology 2009; 30: 338-49.

Bonham MP, Duffy EM, Robson PJ, Wallace JM, Myers GJ, Davidson PW, Clarkson TW, Shamlaye CF, Strain JJ, Livingstone MB. Contribution of fish to intakes of micronutrients important for fetal development: a dietary survey of pregnant women in the Republic of Seychelles. Public Health Nutr 2009; 12: 1312-20.

Strain JJ, Davidson PW, Bonham MP, Duffy EM, Stokes-Riner A, Thurston SW, Wallace JM, Robson PJ, Shamlaye CF, Georger LA, Sloane-Reeves J, Cernichiari E, Canfield RL, Cox C, Huang LS, Janciuras J, Myers GJ, Clarkson TW. Associations of maternal long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, methyl mercury, and infant development in the Seychelles Child Development Nutrition Study. Neurotoxicology 2008; 29: 776-82.

Davidson PW, Strain JJ, Myers GJ, Thurston SW, Bonham MP, Shamlaye CF, Stokes-Riner A, Wallace JM, Robson PJ, Duffy EM, Georger LA, Sloane-Reeves J, Cernichiari E, Canfield RL, Cox C, Huang LS, Janciuras J, Clarkson TW. Neurodevelopmental effects of maternal nutritional status and exposure to methylmercury from eating fish during pregnancy. Neurotoxicology 2008; 29: 767-75.

Bonham MP, Duffy EM, Wallace JM, Robson PJ, Myers GJ, Davidson PW, Clarkson TW, Shamlaye CF, Strain JJ. Habitual fish consumption does not prevent a decrease in LCPUFA status in pregnant women (the Seychelles Child Development Nutrition Study). Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids 2008; 78: 343-50.

Davidson PW, Jean-Sloane-Reeves, Myers GJ, Hansen ON, Huang LS, Georger LA, Cox C, Thurston SW, Shamlaye CF, Clarkson TW. Association between prenatal exposure to methylmercury and visuospatial ability at 10.7 years in the Seychelles child development study. Neurotoxicology 2008; 29: 453-9.

Wallace JM, Bonham MP, Strain J, Duffy EM, Robson PJ, Ward M, McNulty H, Davidson PW, Myers GJ, Shamlaye CF, Clarkson TW, Molloy AM, Scott JM, Ueland PM. Homocysteine concentration, related B vitamins, and betaine in pregnant women recruited to the Seychelles Child Development Study. Am J Clin Nutr 2008; 87: 391-7.

Myers GJ, Davidson PW, Strain JJ. Nutrient and methyl mercury exposure from consuming fish. J Nutr 2007; 137: 2805-8.

Huang LS, Myers GJ, Davidson PW, Cox C, Xiao F, Thurston SW, Cernichiari E, Shamlaye CF, Sloane-Reeves J, Georger L, Clarkson TW. Is susceptibility to prenatal methylmercury exposure from fish consumption non-homogeneous? Tree-structured analysis for the Seychelles Child Development Study. Neurotoxicology 2007; 28: 1237-44.

Thurston SW, Bovet P, Myers GJ, Davidson PW, Georger LA, Shamlaye C, Clarkson TW. Does prenatal methylmercury exposure from fish consumption affect blood pressure in childhood? Neurotoxicology 2007; 28: 924-30.

Davidson PW, Myers GJ, Cox C, Wilding GE, Shamlaye CF, Huang LS, Cernichiari E, Sloane-Reeves J, Palumbo D, Clarkson TW. Methylmercury and neruodevelopment: longitudinal analysis of the Seychelles child development cohort. Neurotoxicol Teratol 2006; 28: 529-35.

van Wijngaarden E, Beck C, Shamlaye CF, Cernichiari E, Davidson PW, Myers GJ, Clarkson TW. Benchmark concentrations for methyl mercury obtained from the 9-year follow-up of the Seychelles Child Development Study. Neurotoxicology 2006; 27: 702-9.

Davidson PW, Myers GJ, Weiss B, Shamlaye CF, Cox C. Prenatal methyl mercury exposure from fish consumption and child development: a review of evidence and perspectives from the Seychelles Child Development Study. Neurotoxicology 2006; 27: 1106-9.

Huang LS, Cox C, Myers GJ, Davidson PW, Cernichiari E, Shamlaye CF, Sloane-Reeves J, Clarkson TW. Exploring nonlinear association between prenatal methylmercury exposure from fish consumption and child development: evaluation of the Seychelles Child Development Study nine-year data using semiparametric additive models. Environ Res 2005; 97: 100-8.

Davidson PW, Myers GJ, Shamlaye C, Cox C, Wilding GE. Prental exposure to methylmercury and child development: influence of social factors. Neurotoxicol Teratol 2004; 26: 553-559.

岡 知子, 仲井邦彦, 亀尾聡美, 佐藤 洋. セイシェル共和国における水銀と健康の問題. 環境科学会誌 2004; 17: 163-168.

Huang LS, Cox C, Wilding GE, Myers GJ, Davidson PW, Shamlaye CF, Cernichiari E, Sloane-Reeves J, Clarkson TW. Using measurement error models to assess effects of prenatal and postnatal methylmercury exposure in the Seychelles Child Development Study. Environ Res 2003; 93: 115-22.

Myers GJ, Davidson PW, Cox C, Shamlaye CF, Palumbo D, Cernichiari E, Sloane-Reeves J, Wilding GE, Kost J, Huang LS, Clarkson TW. Prenatal methylmercury exposure from ocean fish consumption in the Seychelles child development study. Lancet 2003; 361(9370): 1686-92.

Clarkson TW, Strain JJ. Nutritional factors may modify the toxic action of methyl mercury in fish-eating populations. J Nutr 2003; 133(5 Suppl 1): 1539S-43S.

Davidson PW, Kost J, Myers GJ, Cox C, Clarkson TW, Shamlaye CF. Methylmercury and neurodevelopment: reanalysis of the Seychelles Child Development Study outcomes at 66 months of age. JAMA 2001; 285: 1291-3.

Davidson PW, Weiss B, Myers GJ, Cory-Slechta DA, Brockel BJ, Young EC,Orlando M, Loiselle D, Palumbo D, Pittelli R, Sloan-Reeves J. Evaluation of techniques for assessing neurobehavioral development in children. Neurotoxicology 2000; 21: 957-72.

Palumbo DR, Cox C, Davidson PW, Myers GJ, Choi A, Shamlaye C, Sloane-Reeves J, Cernichiari E, Clarkson TW. Association between prenatal exposure to methylmercury and cognitive functioning in Seychellois children: a reanalysis of the McCarthy Scales of Children's Ability from the main cohort study. Environ Res 2000; 84: 81-8.

Axtell CD, Cox C, Myers GJ, Davidson PW, Choi AL, Cernichiari E, Sloane-Reeves J, Shamlaye CF, Clarkson TW. Association between methylmercury exposure from fish consumption and child development at five and a half years of age in the Seychelles Child Development Study: an evaluation of nonlinear relationships. Environ Res 2000; 84:71-80.

Myers GJ, Davidson PW, Palumbo D, Shamlaye C, Cox C, Cernichiari E, Clarkson TW. Secondary analysis from the Seychelles Child Development Study: the child behavior checklist. Environ Res 2000; 84: 12-9.

Davidson PW, Palumbo D, Myers GJ, Cox C, Shamlaye CF, Sloane-Reeves J, Cernichiari E, Wilding GE, Clarkson TW. Neurodevelopmental outcomes of Seychellois children from the pilot cohort at 108 months following prenatal exposure to methylmercury from a maternal fish diet. Environ Res 2000; 84: 1-11.

Myers GJ, Davidson PW, Cox C, Shamlaye C, Cernichiari E, Clarkson TW. Twenty-seven years studying the human neurotoxicity of methylmercury exposure. Environ Res 2000; 83: 275-85.

Crump KS, Van Landingham C, Shamlaye C, Cox C, Davidson PW, Myers GJ, Clarkson TW. Benchmark concentrations for methylmercury obtained from the Seychelles Child Development Study. Environ Health Perspect 2000; 108: 257-63.

Davidson PW, Myer GJ, Shamlaye C, Cox C, Gao P, Axtell C, Morris D, Sloane-Reeves J, Cernichiari E, Choi A, Palumbo D, Clarkson TW. Association between prenatal exposure to methylmercury and developmental outcomes in Seychellois children: effect modification by social and environmental factors. Neurotoxicology 1999; 20: 833-41.

Davidson PW, Myers GJ, Cox C, Axtell C, Shamlaye C, Sloane-Reeves J, Cernichiari E, Needham L, Choi A, Wang Y, Berlin M, Clarkson TW. Effects of prenatal and postnatal methylmercury exposure from fish consumption on neurodevelopment: outcomes at 66 months of age in the Seychelles Child Development Study. JAMA 1998; 280: 701-7.

Axtell CD, Myers GJ, Davidson PW, Choi AL, Cernichiari E, Sloane-Reeves J, Cox C, Shamlaye C, Clarkson TW. Semiparametric modeling of age at achieving developmental milestones after prenatal exposure to methylmercury in the Seychelles child development study. Environ Health Perspect 1998; 106: 559-64.

Myers GJ, Davidson PW, Shamlaye CF, Axtell CD, Cernichiari E, Choisy O, Choi A, Cox C, Clarkson TW. Effects of prenatal methylmercury exposure from a high fish diet on developmental milestones in the Seychelles Child Development Study. Neurotoxicology 1997; 18: 819-29.

Myers GJ, Davidson PW, Cox C, Shamlaye CF, Tanner MA, Marsh DO, Cernichiari E, Lapham LW, Berlin M, Clarkson TW. Summary of the Seychelles child development study on the relationship of fetal methylmercury exposure to neurodevelopment. Neurotoxicology 1995; 16: 711-16.

Lapham LW, Cernichiari E, Cox C, Myers GJ, Baggs RB, Brewer R, Shamlaye CF, Davidson PW, Clarkson TW. An analysis of autopsy brain tissue from infants prenatally exposed to methylmercury. Neurotoxicology 1995; 16: 689-704.

Myers GJ, Marsh DO, Davidson PW, Cox C, Shamlaye CF, Tanner M, Choi A, Cernichiari E, Choisy O, Clarkson TW. Main neurodevelopmental study of Seychellois children following in utero exposure to methylmercury from a maternal fish diet: outcome at six months. Neurotoxicology 1995; 16: 653-64.

Myers GJ, Marsh DO, Cox C, Davidson PW, Shamlaye CF, Tanner MA, Choi A, Cernichiari E, Choisy O, Clarkson TW. A pilot neurodevelopmental study of Seychellois children following in utero exposure to methylmercury from a maternal fish diet. Neurotoxicology 1995; 16: 629-38.

Shamlaye CF, Marsh DO, Myers GJ, Cox C, Davidson PW, Choisy O, Cernichiari E, Choi A, Tanner MA, Clarkson TW. The Seychelles child development study on neurodevelopmental outcomes in children following in utero exposure to methylmercury from a maternal fish diet: background and demographics. Neurotoxicology 1995; 16: 597-612.

Marsh DO, Clarkson TW, Myers GJ, Davidson PW, Cox C, Cernichiari E, Tanner MA, Lednar W, Shamlaye C, Choisy O, et al. The Seychelles study of fetal methylmercury exposure and child development: introduction. Neurotoxicology 1995; 16: 583-96.

Matthews AD. Mercury content of commercially important fish of the Seychelles, and hair mercury levels of selected part of the population. Environ Res 1983; 30: 305-312.

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