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  2. Sato, M., Sato, T., Kojima, N., Imai, K., Higashi, N., Wang, D.-R. and Senoo, H, (2004) Three-dimensional structure of extracellular matrix regulates gene expression in cultured stellate cells to induce process elongation. Comp. Hepatol., 3(Suppl 1),S4.
  3. Sato, T., Sato, M., Miura, M., Higashi, N., Wang, D.-R., Suzuki, S., Imai, K., Kojima, N. and Senoo, H.(2004) Expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) in hepatic stellate cells. Comp. Hepatol., 3(Suppl 1),S17.
  4. Imai, K., Sato, M., Sato, T., Kojima, N., Miura, M., Higashi, N., Wang, D.-R., Suzuki, S. and Senoo, H. (2004) Intercellular adhesive structures between stellate cells-An analysis in cultured human hepatic stellate cells. Comp. Hepatol., 3(Suppl 1),S13.
  5. Wang, D.-R., Sato, M., Sato, T., Kojima, N., Imai, K., Higashi, N. and Senoo, H. (2004) Regulation of matrix metalloproteinase expression by extracellular matrix components in cultured hepatic stellate cells. Comp. Hepatol., 3(Suppl 1),S20.

  1. Kameda, T., Ikegami, K., Liu, Y., Terada, K. and Sugiyama, T. (2004) A hypothermic-temperature-sensitive gene silencing by the mammalian RNAi. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 315,599-602.
  2. Ise, N., Sato, T., Yasui, O., Watanabe, G., Koyama, K., Terada, K., Sugiyama, T. and Yamamoto, Y. (2004) Enhanced proliferation of hepatic progenitor cells in rats after portal branch occlusion. Liver Transpl., 10, 748-754.
  3. Ueno, Y., Terada, K., Nagai, H. et al. (2004) Application of collagen scaffolds for hepatic stem-like cell transplantation. Akita J. Med., 31, 113-119.
  4. Deng, W. G., Fu, Y., Li, Y. L. and Sugiyama, T. (2004) Potential role of p53 mutation in chemical hepatocarcinogenesis of rats. World J. Gastroenterol., 10, 46-52.

  1. Horie Y., Suzuki, A (equal first and corresponding author)., Kataoka, E. et al. (2004)Hepatocyte-specific Pten deficiency results in steatohepatitis and hepatocellular carcinomas. J. Clin. Invest., 113, 1774-1783.
  2. Suzuki A, Sasaki T, Mak TW, Nakano T. (2004)Functional analysis of the tumour suppressor gene PTEN in murine B cells and keratinocytes BIOCHEMICAL JOURNAL (BIOCHEMICAL SOCIETY TRANSACTION), 32 (2), 362-365
  3. Backman SA, Ghazarian D, So K, Sanchez O, Wagner KU, Hennighausen L, Suzuki A, Tsao MS, Chapman WB, Stambolic V, Mak TW. (2004) Early onset of neoplasia in the prostate and skin of mice with tissue-specific deletion of Pten. PROC NATL ACAD SCI USA. 101(6), 1725-30
  4. Nishita M, Yan W, Goto K, Tomizawa C, Suzuki A, Niwa R, Umekura T, Mizuno K. (2004) PI3-kinase-Medeated Activation of Cofilin Phosphatase Slingshot-1L Controls Inslin-induced Membrane Protrusion. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 279(8), 7193-7198
  5. 堀 江泰夫、片岡 英、佐々木雄彦、渡辺純夫、仲野 徹、鈴木 聡. (2004) 肝臓における癌抑制遺伝子PTENの機能解析、細胞療法の基礎と臨床、p146-p156
  6. 渡 辺純夫、堀江泰夫、鈴木 聡. (2004) Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH)への実験医学的アプローチ 肝臓45(11), 568-580
  7. 佐々木雄彦、水野克典、仲野徹、鈴木聡. (2004) PTENホスファターゼとその生体における機能、 細胞工学、23(5), 556-561, 2004
  8. 岸本恕征、佐々木雄彦、仲野徹、鈴木聡. (2004) PI3Kキナーゼ関連遺伝子欠損と免疫異常 Molecular Medicine, 41(5), 58-63
  9. 河原崎哲、濱田浩一、松田幸久、佐々木雄彦、仲野徹、鈴木聡. (2004) PTENとアポトーシス、 Biotherapy, 18(2), 151-160
  10. 濱田浩一、佐々木雄彦、仲野徹、鈴木聡. (2004)  血液細胞における癌抑制遺伝子PTEN、 血液・腫瘍科, 48(2), 190-195
  11. 岸本恕征、改正恒康、佐々木雄彦、仲野徹、鈴木聡. (2004) PTENによるB細胞の分化と機能制御、 臨床免疫 41(2), 121-127


  1. Yuan, H., Yamada, K. and Inagaki, N. (2004) Multiminute oscillations in mouse substantia nigra pars reticulata neurons in vitro. Neurosci. Lett., 355, 136-140.
  2. Yuan, H., Yamada, K., and Inagaki, N. (2004) Glucose sensitivity in mouse substantia nigra pars reticulata neurons in vitro. Neurosci. Lett. 355, 173-176.
  3. Yoshida, I., Ban, N. and Inagaki, N. (2004) Expression of ABCA3, a causative gene for fatal surfactant deficiency, is up-regulated by glucocorticoid in lung alveolar type II cells. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 323, 547-555.

  1. Kawatani, M. (2004) Urothelium could be important for vesical pain. Pain Res., 19, 185-190.
  2. Sato, M. and Kawatani, M.(2004)Characterization of prostaglandin E receptor subtypes involved in the relaxation of rabbit penile corpus cavernosum smooth muscle. Biomedical Res., 25, 237-244.
  3. Kimura, H., Kawatani, M., Ito, E. and Ishikawa, K.(2004) PACAP facilitate the nerve regeneration factors in the facial nerve injury. Regulatory Peptides, 123, 135-138.
  4. 河谷正仁, 池田 真, 石濱寛子(2004) 膀胱求心性神経活動からみた過活動膀胱. 自律神経 41, 316-319.
  5. 河谷正仁, 中村靖夫, 百田芳春, 池田 真, 篠崎幸代, 石濱寛子(2004) 排尿メカニズムにおける膀胱知覚神経系の役割. 排尿障害プラクティス12,265-269.

  1. Murakami,M., Mori,T., Nakagawasai,O., et al. (2004) Inhibitory effect of pranidipine on N-type voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels. Neuroscience letters, 367, 118-122.
  2. Murakami,M., Nakagawasai,O., Suzuki,T., et al. (2004) Antinociceptive effect of different types of calcium channel inhibitors and the distribution of various calcium channel α1 subunits in the dorsal horn of spinal cord in mice. Brain Res., 1024, 122-129.
  3. Shibata,S., Ono,K. and Iijima,T. (2004) Sevoflurane inhibition of the slowly activating delayed rectifiler K+ current in guinea pig ventricular cells. J. Pharmacol. Sci., 95, 367-373.
  4. 村上 学(2004)循環器における電位依存性Caチャネルβサブユニットの重要性(トランスジェニックマウスを用いて). Phrma. Medica,. 22, 103-104.


  1. Yamamoto, Y., Nishikawa, Y., Tokairin, T., Omori, Y. and Enomoto, K. (2004) Increased expression of H19 non-coding mRNA follows hepatocyte proliferation in the rat and mouse. J. Hepatol., 40, 808-814.

  1. Sho, E., Nanjo, H., Sho, M., Kobayashi, M., Komatsu, M, Kawamura, K., Xu, C., Zarins, C.K. and Masuda, H. (2004) Arterial dilation and intimal thickening in response to sequential exposure to high and low wall shear stress. J. Vasc. Surg., 3, 601-612.


  1. Suzuki A, Sasaki T, Mak TW, Nakano T. (2004)Functional analysis of the tumour suppressor gene PTEN in murine B cells and keratinocytes BIOCHEMICAL JOURNAL (BIOCHEMICAL SOCIETY TRANSACTION), 32 (2), 362-365
  2. 堀 江泰夫、片岡 英、佐々木雄彦、渡辺純夫、仲野 徹、鈴木 聡. (2004) 肝臓における癌抑制遺伝子PTENの機能解析、細胞療法の基礎と臨床、p146-p156
  3. 佐々木雄彦、水野克典、仲野徹、鈴木聡. (2004) PTENホスファターゼとその生体における機能、 細胞工学、23(5), 556-561, 2004
  4. 岸本恕征、佐々木雄彦、仲野徹、鈴木聡. (2004) PI3Kキナーゼ関連遺伝子欠損と免疫異常 Molecular Medicine, 41(5), 58-63
  5. 河原崎哲、濱田浩一、松田幸久、佐々木雄彦、仲野徹、鈴木聡. (2004) PTENとアポトーシス、 Biotherapy, 18(2), 151-160
  6. 濱田浩一、佐々木雄彦、仲野徹、鈴木聡. (2004)  血液細胞における癌抑制遺伝子PTEN、 血液・腫瘍科, 48(2), 190-195
  7. 岸本恕征、改正恒康、佐々木雄彦、仲野徹、鈴木聡. (2004) PTENによるB細胞の分化と機能制御、 臨床免疫 41(2), 121-127

  1. 樗木俊聡(2004)IL-15の免疫反応および免疫疾患における役割.Molecular Medicine, 41(臨時増刊号)「免疫2005」, 262-268,


消化器内科学分野・神経内科学分野 (内科学第一講座)
  1. Horie,Y., Suzuki,A., Kataoka,E.et al.(2004)Hepatocyte-specific Pten deficiency results in steatohepatitis and hepatocellular carcinomas.J. Clin. Invest.,113,1774-1783.
  2. Watanabe, D., Otaka, M., Mikami, K. et al. (2004) Expression of a 72-kDa heat shock protein, and its cytoprotective function, in gastric mucosa in cirrhotic rats, J. Gastroenterol., 39, 724-733.
  3. 渡辺純夫,堀江泰夫,鈴木聡(2004)Nonal coholic Steatohepatitis(NASH)への実験 医学的アプローチ.肝臓45,568-580.
  4. 堀 江泰夫、片岡 英、佐々木雄彦、渡辺純夫、仲野 徹、鈴木 聡. (2004) 肝臓における癌抑制遺伝子PTENの機能解析、細胞療法の基礎と臨床、p146-p156

呼吸器内科学分野・循環器内科学分野  (内科学第二講座)
  1. Hasegawa, H., Saito, T., Fujiiwara, Y. et al. (2004)Low molecular weight heparin prevents cardiovascular remodeling induced by the long-term inhibition of nitric oxide synthase with N-nitro- L-arginine methyl ester in rat hearts. Akita J. Med., 31, 221-230.

  1. Kigawa, A., Wakui, H., Maki, N. et al. (2004) Interaction of the spectrin-like repeats of alpha-actinin-4 with human peptide. Clin. Exp. Nephrol., 8,331-338.

  1. Dezaki, K., Hosoba, H., Kakei, M., Hashiguchi, S., Watanabe, M., Kangawa, K. and Yada, T. (2004) Endogenous ghrelin in pancreatic islets restricts insulin release by attenuating Ca2+ signaling in β-cells. Diabetes, 53, 3142-3151.


  1. Asanuma, Y., Sato, T., Kotanagi, H., Yamamoto, Y. and Nakae, H. (2004) Treatment of multiple organ failure through sepsis by surgery and blood purification. Therapeutic Apheresis and Dialysis, 8,185-189.
  2. Ise, N., Sato, T., Yasui, O., Watanabe, G., Koyama, K., Terada, K., Sugiyama, T. and Yamamoto, Y. (2004) Enhanced proliferation of hepatic progenitor cells in rats after portal branch occlusion. Liver Transplantation, 10, 748-754.

  1. Okuyama M, Motoyama S, Saito S, Saito R, Nakamura M, Imano H, Minamiya Y, Ogawa J. (2004) Soluble and cell-associated forms of some yet to be identified factor in transfused blood which promotes solid tumor growth in mice. Surg Today. 2004;34(8):673-7.

  1. 加藤哲夫(2004)胆道閉鎖症の原因はなぜ解明できないか? 小児内科36,1262-1263.


精神科学分野, 神経科精神科 (精神科学講座)
  1. Masuda, Y.and Matsuda,Y. (2004) Slip-down from a raised platform: Another behavior of Slc:ddY mice treated with methamphetamine. Exp. Anim., 53, 61-62.

  1. Huang, D., Okada, K., Komori, C., Itoi, E., Kawamura, K. and Suzuki, T. (2004) Ultrastructure of sarcoma 180 cells after ultrasound irradiation in the presence of sparfloxacin. Anticancer Res., 24, 1553-1559.
  2. Huang, D., Okada, K., Komori, C., Itoi, E. and Suzuki, T. (2004) Enhanced antitumor activity of ultrasonic irradiation in the presence of new quinolone antibiotics in vitro. Cancer Sci., 95, 845-849.


眼科学分野, 眼科 (眼科学講座)
  1. Yoshitomi, T. , Yamaji, K. and Ishikawa, H. (2004) Ohnishi Y , Vasodilatory Mechanism of unoprostone isopropyl on isolated rabbit ciliary artery , Curr. Eye Res..28,167-174 .
  2. Chen, W. , Cao, L ., Hara, K. and Yoshitomi, T .(2004)Effect of Immunosuppression on Survival of Allograft Limbal Stem Cells. Jpn. J .Ophthalmol ., 48,440-447 .
  3. Hayakawa, K. , Ishikawa, M. and Yamaki, K.(2004)Ultrastructural changes in rat eyes with experimental Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease. Jpn. J .Ophthalmol.,48,222-227 .
  4. 原宏二、亀谷修平、山木邦比古.(2004)半定量的RT-PCR法を用いたマウス網膜における抗原提示機能の解析. 秋田医学31, 141-152.

  1. Yoneda,K., Furukawa,T., Zheng,Y-J.,Momoi,T.,Izawa,I.,Inagaki,M.,Manabe,M.and Inagaki,N.(2004) A crucial autocrine/paracrine loop linking keratin 14 aggregates to TNFα-mediated cytotoxicity in epidermolysis bullosa simplex.J. Biol. Chem.,279,7296-7303.
  2. Ishizaki,Y.,Omori,Y.,Nishikawa,Y.,Tokairin,T.,Manabe ,M.and Enomoto,K.(2004) Reduced Expression and Aberrant Localization of p120 catenin in Human Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Skin.J. Dermatol. Sci.,34,99-108.


  1. Hatakeyama, S., Ohyama, C., Minagawa, S. et al. (2004) Functional correlation of trophinin expression with the malignancy of testicular germ cell tumor. Cancer Res., 64, 4257-4262.


  1. 木村 哲, 佐藤正義, 田中 誠, 西川俊昭 (2004) デクスメデトミジン―低体温併用療法がラット一過性前脳虚血後の海馬ノルエピネフリン濃変化に及ぼす影響. 第8回日本神経麻酔・集中治療研究会プロシーディング, 80-81.
  2. 合谷木徹, 西川俊昭 (2004) ラット脳虚血におけるデクスメデトミジンとリドカイン併用による脳保護効果:マイクロダイアリシス法による検討. 第8回日本神経麻酔・集中治療研究会プロシーディング, 74-75.


  1. Sho, E., Nanjo, H., Sho, M., Kobayashi, M., Komatsu, M, Kawamura, K., Xu, C., Zarins, C.K. and Masuda, H. (2004) Arterial dilation and intimal thickening in response to sequential exposure to high and low wall shear stress. J. Vasc. Surg., 3, 601-612.

  1. Ito, H., Shimada, Y., Matsunaga, T., Kawatani, M. and Itoi, E. (2004) Effects on catch-like property on muscle fatigue in intermittent electrical stimulation. Akita J. Med., 31,153-160.


  1. Matsuda, Y. (2004) Recent Trends in the Number of Laboratory Animals Used in Japan. ATLA 32, Supplement 1, 299-301.
  2. Masuda, Y.and Matsuda,Y. (2004) Slip-down from a raised platform: Another behavior of Slc:ddY mice treated with methamphetamine. Exp. Anim., 53, 61-62.
  3. 河原崎哲、濱田浩一、松田幸久、佐々木雄彦、仲野徹、鈴木聡. (2004) PTENとアポトーシス、 Biotherapy, 18(2), 151-160