Conneticut | 1980 |
New Jersey | 1978 |
Delaware | 1985 |
New York | 1987 |
Hawaii | 1955 |
Pennsylvabia | 1982 |
Maine | 1984 |
Rhode Island | 1972 |
Maryland | 1986 |
Vermont | 1984 |
Massachusetts | 1983 |
West Virginia | 1989 |
New Hampshire | 1983 |
Alabama | Missouri |
Alaska | Montana |
Arkansas | Nebraska |
Florida | Nevada |
Georgia | New Mexico |
Idaho | North Carolina |
Illinois | North Dakota |
Indiana | Oregon |
Kansas | South Carolina |
Kentucky | Texas |
Louisiana | Washington |
Mississippi | Wyoming |
State law prohibits the release of unclaimed animals for research from pounds either within or out of the state.
"No dog officer shall be licensed animal dealer registered with the United States Department of Agriculture, and no dog officer, either privately or in the course of carrying out his official assignments as an agent for his municipiality, shall give, sell, or turn over any animal which may come into his custody to any business or institution licensed or registered as a research facility or animal dealer with the United state Department of Agriculture. No municipality shall give, sell, or turn over any animal which may come into its custody to any business or institution licensed or regostered as a research facility or animal dealer with the United state Department of Agriculture. " Massachusetts Annotated Laws, Chapter 140, Section 151 (Law. Co-op. 1995)
State law permits the release of pound animals for research.
"A dealer, a county, city, village or township operating a dog pound or animal shelter shall not sell or otherwise dispose of a dog or cat within 4 days after its acqusition. If the dog or cat has a collar, license, or other evidence of ownership, the operator of the pound or shelter shall notify the owner in writing and disposition of the animal shall not be made within 7 days from the mailing of the notice." Michigan Compiled Laws Annotated, Section 287. 388 (West 1996)
"A research facility shall not purchase any dogs and cats except from a licensed dealer, public dog pound, humane society, or from a person who breeds or raises dogs or cats for sale. Any county, city, village or township operating a dog pound or animal shelter may sell for an amount not to exceed $10.00 per animal or otherwise dispose of unclaimed or unwanted dogs and cats to a Michigan research facility." Michigan Compiled Laws Annotated, Section 287. 389 (West 1996)