Division and Department

Department of Pediatric Surgery

Masaru Mizuno, M.D.

A Greeting from the Professor

Pediatric surgery is one of the most rapidly growing fields in surgery. In our department, we concentrate mainly on treatment and research regarding general surgery, thoracic surgery in children.
Our policy of surgical therapy is to offer medical care that is kind to both body and mind. Particular emphasis is placed on appropriate treatment of the physiologic, anatomic and embryologic aspects of specific surgical problems. Recently, much progress has been made on surgery for premature babies. Such infants are often admitted to our neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) after delivery, and we cooperate with pediatricians in searching for the best treatments.
Our educational policy centers on providing opportunities for students and young researchers to develop the skills necessary to become specialists in pediatric surgery as a whole, and then to promote the development of specific skills for particular subspecialties as pediatric surgeons. As a rule, residents are able to enter the graduate school of medicine to obtain a doctoral degree.
We welcome students and young doctors eager to work with us for the intact survival and lifelong happiness of children.


Hospital Professor:
Masaru Mizuno, M.D.

Mayako Morii, M.D.

Research Areas

  1. Interorgan relationship between arginine and massive small bowel resection
  2. Minimally invasive surgery for pediatrics
  3. Etiology of biliary atresia using lamprey

Contact Information

Hospital Professor Masaru Mizuno, M.D.
Phone: +81-18-884-6143
Fax: +81-18-836-0567
E-mail: mmizuno@gipc.akita-u.ac.jp

Most Recent Achievements

  1. Watanabe R, et al. A child with late-presenting congenital diaphragmatic hernia once incorrectly suspected of pneumothorax. Akita J Med 48:9-13, 2021
  2. Hebiguchi T, et al. Intestinal absorption of Vitamin A and short bowel syndrome. JSM Cell. 2 (2) 1022-1025, 2014
  3. Hebiguchi T, et al. Massive bowel resection upregulates the intestinal mRNA expression levels of cellular retinol-binding protein Ⅱ and apolipoprotein A-Ⅳ and alters the intestinal vitamin A status in rats. Int J Mol Med 35:724-730, 2015
  4. Morii M et al. Onset of apoptosis in the cystic duct during metamorphosis of Lamprey. Anat Rec, 293:1155-1166, 2010
  5. Mizuno M, et al. Early experience with single-incision laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication for gastroesophageal reflux disease in patients with mental retardation via a gastrostomy site incision. Surg Today 42:601-604, 2012